Monthly Archives: March 2021

The history of the Olive Tree is linked to Human history

Olive trees by Van Gogh

The history of the olive tree and that of the peoples around the Mediterranean has been linked for at least seven thousand years, making it one of the most important and characteristic crops.

The olive tree has always inspired a deep sense of the sacred in the observer. The certainty of its presence in ancient times comes to us through the myths and literature of different peoples, cultures and ages.

Knowing the traps of the mind to achieve an effective well-being

The Traps of the Mind

Every morning, when we wake up, we look in the mirror, we comb our hair, but how often do we notice ourselves? How often do we say “here we are”?
If we start to dedicate ourselves to observing our mind neutrally on a daily basis, we will soon realise that we are mainly distracted.
We can learn to shift the focus from outside to inside, through a daily exercise of self-observation.

The power of our mind to generate serenity and well-being

The Power of the Mind

Many of us are aware that it now makes more sense than ever to consider the effects of the pandemic as a point from which to start again, reflecting on a new model for the quality of our lives.
Never before has life asked us to be strong and, above all, it asks us for results: the quality of these results depends on the energy we have and the ability to reschedule our minds.

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