Tag Archives: Tips from Emanuela

Is losing weight a goal, but you can’t achieve it? The turning point in this article

Anyone who wants to lose weight must first of all have a clear idea of the diet world. Thousands of people were and are convinced that they know everything about slimming, and have read, heard and tried a bit of everything.
By reading this article, you will finally be able to clarify the various aspects of dietetics once and for all, with the real possibility of achieving a healthy weight loss in a short period of time.

How to Purify Yourself and Why

Purifying the Mind by Starting from the Body

The phrase ‘mens sana in corpore sano’ (a healthy mind in a healthy body) is certainly not a simple saying. A healthy body is the best medicine for mental well-being.
It is important to realise that a detoxifying process is not only about the body, but also and above all about the mind. This, however, is by far not easy in our modern lifestyle, not least as a result of the constant level of stress.

Why can’t I lose weight?

Circadian Rhythm - How to Balance It and Lose Weight

Most of the time this frustrating exclamation is not verbally expressed, it is hidden inside and is the sign of the enormous and constant distress of those who are overweight (about 65% of women between the ages of 40 and 50).
However, rigorous scientific studies, which are fundamental and essential, show that overweight and obesity can actually be solved and, even better, prevented.

Can you lose weight without giving up too much?

Slimming Down without Excessive Sacrifice

“How much weight have you lost?” This is the phrase I have been hearing recently, and it has given me great satisfaction.

After trying various diets and reading all about them, I had resigned myself to the excess weight. But I was wrong: without any special effort or diets, I was able to lose 15 kilos in just 3 months.

I can confirm that, thanks to a new and easy approach, it is possible to lose weight in a short time with certain results and in total safety; all you need to do is follow a couple of rules that have already been tried and tested by a large number of people.

The Olive Tree is a powerful energy supplement

Happy Winners and Achievement

Do you suffer from tiredness, mental and physical exhaustion, lack of energy?

Prolonged stress, worries and uncertainties unfortunately affect more and more people.

By reading this short article you will be able to find a valuable remedy to all this: something that for many people has proved to be not just one alternative among many, but a real solution.

The olive tree is a powerful energy supplement: this is because we primarily take on the “information” of its extraordinary characteristics.

Interior serenity: how to achieve it in 3 simple steps

Interior Serenity

Today, we potentially have all the resources of knowledge and materials to improve individually and as a system.

But as a result of the tendency to negativity, we all need to make more effort to work towards our own personal transformation.

Discover 3 simple steps to achieve our interior serenity.

Interior serenity: a skill we can train and stabilise

Interior Serenity

For many years now, all the most authoritative scientific studies have stated that the mind is plastic: our brain adapts and assumes the shape of what we “give it” most often.
Training our mind, to become more in control and aware of it and therefore more able to guide our emotions, is a skill we have within us: if trained in the direction described above, it generates an emotionally more healthy and satisfying life.

Knowing the traps of the mind to achieve an effective well-being

The Traps of the Mind

Every morning, when we wake up, we look in the mirror, we comb our hair, but how often do we notice ourselves? How often do we say “here we are”?
If we start to dedicate ourselves to observing our mind neutrally on a daily basis, we will soon realise that we are mainly distracted.
We can learn to shift the focus from outside to inside, through a daily exercise of self-observation.

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